Monday, April 14, 2014

Feature Shoot Review


(Katerina Kamprani)

I really like the layout of Feature Shoot, it does not seem like a blog at first glance. It is also very simple and clean, which I like because it makes my life easier. I opened this article because the objects in the images were normal everyday items that have been distorted. I had to see more of the pictures, although they are unsettling, I couldn't help but stare at each image for a while. Katerina started this series as an "uncomfortable project" and I think the she hit the nail on the head. She has taken things we use/see daily and changed their appearance and function. We take the tools we have available to us for granted and she wanted the people to view her work to realize the importance of small things. I love her art. Its very unique and interesting to look at. I could sit down and scroll through 100s of images like these.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Light Leaked Review

Light Leaked: Lori Nix
(Lori Nix, Botanic Garden 2008)

I love the layout of the blog, it is very easy to navigate and it does not strain my eyes to look at it. I like that the articles came right up so I did not have to search for them. I read this article because of the first two pictures I saw. I saw the image above and thought it looked cool so I continued to scroll down. The image that followed this the one above revealed that it is actually a small set with many lights surrounding it that make it look like natural lighting. I was very intrigued by these images so I had to read about the artist. Lori Nix has been building small scale models, like the one above, to photograph for more than 20 years. Her work is represented in many galleries, some even in other countries. Each project takes Lori and her partner, Kathleen, around 7 months to complete. They both work normal day jobs and work on their artwork at night and on the weekends. I love their work. I think it is incredible how realistic, but magical it looks. Their pieces of art are like images from a dream; a slightly distorted reality. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Panorama Project


(Danté Belt)

I chose this photograph, because it is very intriguing. I am not quite sure what I am looking at. I am usually not interested in images like this, but this picture is very interesting to look at. I just really want to know where this was taken and what it is a picture of. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Triangle Triangle Review

I love this image. Out of all the amazing images on the Triangle Triangle tumblr page this is one that really stuck out. The colors in the trees are absolutely breathtaking and since I have lived in Texas my entire life, I have never gotten to experience the leaves changing colors like this during Fall. This image is also very romantic. I can picture have a picnic with my love and laying on a blanket just watching the stars. I also love that the branches of the tree create a negative space that looks like a heart in the sky.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Urbanautica Review

                    (Ellie Davies)  
Stories #6: Ellie Davies

 The first time I visited Urbanautica I was very confused on where to go to find the articles, because some links led me to a different site. But I do like the fact that the blog is no too busy to look at. The colors are very neutral and easy on the eyes. Since the article titles were just the artist's names I chose based off of the images in the article. I love nature and Ellie Davis' work caught my eye. This article is an interview with Ellie Davis. She reveals her background in art and how she became a photographer. She was originally a sculptor, but decided that the job would be too lonely so she ventured into photography. Most of her work is done in the woods where she sculpts nature for her work. I think it is interesting that she changed her career choice even though she loved to sculpt. I also really enjoyed the fact that she was following in her dad's footsteps. It is amazing that she did not discover her love for photography soon since she was around it as a child and she is such a natural. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Aperture Review

Tom Sandberg: Photographs 1989–2006
Tom Sandberg, Untitled, 2004. Courtesy the artist/Galleri Riis, Oslo.

Artist: Tom Sandberg

This blog has a clean layout, but it is not the easiest to navigate. There is a cool image of a women as the preview for the blog so I thought it might be interesting. The image is also black and white, which I love. When reading the article you can tell that the writer has a lot of respect for Sandberg's art. The article talks about how different his work is compared to others and how he views things differently than most people. Carlo states that Tom captures things in his photography that many people would never see. The fact that Sandberg is not in a rush to get his art work to America is interesting to me because it shows that he is more worried about doing what he loves than becoming famous for his art. I enjoyed the article and the photography. 


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Article Review

Collectors of Keith Haring Works File Lawsuit
Artist: Keith Haring

"Untitled" taken by Richard Perry/The New York Times

     The website itself is not the easiest thing to figure out. It is very busy and hard to navigate, if the blog were cleaner it would be more enjoyable to look at. It took me quite a few minutes to find the articles and figure out where everything was. I also think the article would be more interesting if it had more pictures. I opened this article because of the word "lawsuit" in the title, I have always been interested in the judicial system. The article is very interesting to read, because it exposes some of the underlying problems in the art world. People have been selling and show what they said was authentic pieces of art, but ended up being fake. The artist died at the age of 31 in 1990 and is not alive to defend himself, his name as an artist, and his art work. I am glad that there is a lawsuit taking place so that the innocent can get justice after being wronged.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lenscratch Review

 Artist: DeAnn Desilets

(DeAnn Desilets)

Lenscratch has a clean layout and is easy to navigate. The cleanliness of their website allows you to look at the artwork without being distracted by a crazy background. The colors are also very friendly and inviting. I was drawn Aline Smithson's article by the word "landscape" in the title. I would have to say that landscapes are my favorite photographs to look at, so when I saw that I had to look at the pictures in the article. The photographs I saw were extremely interesting and really pretty. After I looked at the pictures first (because I'm shallow and I always "read a book by its cover") I began to read the article. This article talks about how DeAnn plays with perception in her work. DeAnn doesn't take ordinary photographs, she creates an almost magical world using nature and everyday furniture. She has a very child like approach in her work and she hopes that others can feel the same way as she does when they view her images. I thoroughly enjoyed the article and the pictures, I was very intrigued and felt refreshed by the article. I myself am a nature lover and I love DeAnn's perspective of the world around her; very inspiring. 

Portrait Photography

This photograph was taken by Jose Ferreira. I saw many intriguing photos by this photographer, but this one really stuck out to me because of the little boy's expression. I also picked it because I love black and white portraits; the contrast it creates is just so pretty. 

This adorable baby was photographed by Phil Shaw. He has a whole series on "babies underwater" and this image is one of my favorites. I chose this one, because of the baby's facial expression. It is a bright and joyful photo to look at. 

This elegant underwater image was taken by Ludovic Florent. This image is very pretty and mysterious, because we can't completely see the woman's face. The flow of the fabric and her hair in the still water is gorgeous. 

This photograph was taken by Christina Paik. I love the cool factor of this image. It isn't "prim and proper" like most portraits of women. I love the background and the fact that it is in black and white. 

Elena Shumilova has some gorgeous portraits of children and this is one of my favorite. Apart from the fact that I love ducks, this picture has incredible detail. It is very heartwarming and adorable. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Glasstire Review

Glasstire, artists: Miguel Angel Rojas and John Sparagana

This blog is very simple and easy to navigate. If it was my blog I would make it look more interesting, but since I have never been on the blog before I like that it is easy to navigate. It is very clean, but honestly does not feel much like a blog. As I began to read the  article the way that the art work is described really began to draw me in and it made something that looks simple have a lot of depth and meaning. This article was about two artists with similar styles and both of their pieces are fabric based. The objects used in the works of art are old and have historic value. Miguel's art has more of a natural historic value, while John's work contains some history of our country. At first glance I was disinterested, because the blog itself did not catch my eye and the art is not really my taste, but like I said as I began to read the article I started to become more interested. After the first paragraph I wanted to read more, but if it wasn't for the detail poured into the article, I would not have wanted to continue to read. As a whole I ended up enjoying the article, I thought it was an interesting read.
(The image is of Miguel Angel Rojas's "Por Pan, detail", but I could not find who took the image itself.)

Friday, January 24, 2014

My World


1. Name and your URL address for your class blog.
Brittany Lamb
2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate? 

Business, and I plan to graduate in 2017.
3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically? 

I love photography, but I know nothing about editing photographs on the computer so I am in here mainly for the digital media aspect. 
4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months. 
In 5 years I would love to be married and starting my family. In 3 years I hope to be finishing school and getting my bachelors degree. 2 years from now I want to be in the best shape ever. 1 year from now I would like to be focussing on the direction I want my life to go. And six months from now I want to be riding around somewhere in the mountains.  :)
5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? 

I actually get most of my influence for my work from nature. 6. Where do you get information about current national and international events? 
Facebook and twitter. 
7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? 

8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year? 

I have not been to one in a while.
9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past? 

10. What is the value of art for the artist? 

Well since I am a painter I would say that an artist's work is highly treasured, because mine is. 
11. What is the value of art for the audience? 

Art work can open your eyes to different things, it can make you see the world in a different light. It is also usual entertaining to look at. 
12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? 

avocation, for now. 
13. What is your passion? 

14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable? 

Being lonely. 15. Do you have a passport? What traveling have you done or would like to do?
No, but I will soon. I've been to many states within the U.S., but there are several countries I would love to travel to.
16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?

I love anything "art" and it seemed like an interesting class to take. I want to learn more about what I can do with a camera and broaden my horizon.