Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Urbanautica Review

                    (Ellie Davies)  
Stories #6: Ellie Davies

 The first time I visited Urbanautica I was very confused on where to go to find the articles, because some links led me to a different site. But I do like the fact that the blog is no too busy to look at. The colors are very neutral and easy on the eyes. Since the article titles were just the artist's names I chose based off of the images in the article. I love nature and Ellie Davis' work caught my eye. This article is an interview with Ellie Davis. She reveals her background in art and how she became a photographer. She was originally a sculptor, but decided that the job would be too lonely so she ventured into photography. Most of her work is done in the woods where she sculpts nature for her work. I think it is interesting that she changed her career choice even though she loved to sculpt. I also really enjoyed the fact that she was following in her dad's footsteps. It is amazing that she did not discover her love for photography soon since she was around it as a child and she is such a natural. 

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