Monday, February 10, 2014

Lenscratch Review

 Artist: DeAnn Desilets

(DeAnn Desilets)

Lenscratch has a clean layout and is easy to navigate. The cleanliness of their website allows you to look at the artwork without being distracted by a crazy background. The colors are also very friendly and inviting. I was drawn Aline Smithson's article by the word "landscape" in the title. I would have to say that landscapes are my favorite photographs to look at, so when I saw that I had to look at the pictures in the article. The photographs I saw were extremely interesting and really pretty. After I looked at the pictures first (because I'm shallow and I always "read a book by its cover") I began to read the article. This article talks about how DeAnn plays with perception in her work. DeAnn doesn't take ordinary photographs, she creates an almost magical world using nature and everyday furniture. She has a very child like approach in her work and she hopes that others can feel the same way as she does when they view her images. I thoroughly enjoyed the article and the pictures, I was very intrigued and felt refreshed by the article. I myself am a nature lover and I love DeAnn's perspective of the world around her; very inspiring. 

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