Monday, March 3, 2014

Aperture Review

Tom Sandberg: Photographs 1989–2006
Tom Sandberg, Untitled, 2004. Courtesy the artist/Galleri Riis, Oslo.

Artist: Tom Sandberg

This blog has a clean layout, but it is not the easiest to navigate. There is a cool image of a women as the preview for the blog so I thought it might be interesting. The image is also black and white, which I love. When reading the article you can tell that the writer has a lot of respect for Sandberg's art. The article talks about how different his work is compared to others and how he views things differently than most people. Carlo states that Tom captures things in his photography that many people would never see. The fact that Sandberg is not in a rush to get his art work to America is interesting to me because it shows that he is more worried about doing what he loves than becoming famous for his art. I enjoyed the article and the photography. 

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